March 12, 2022 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

The Durham Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority is presenting a virtual screening of the award-winning documentary film, RESILIENCE, as a way to increase the awareness of ACEs, childhood trauma and toxic stress throughout North Carolina. Our core focus is centered on the prevention and healing of Adverse Childhood Experiences, as we continue to strengthen resiliency-related awareness, education, community coalitions, and more.

The virtual screening of RESILIENCE will be available to watch March 9th to March 13th and there will be a virtual panel discussion on March 12th at 10am featuring Wanda Boone from Together for Resilient Youth, District Court Judge Doretta Walker, Belinda Bryant from Cumberland County Schools.  To register for the film and the panel discussion, see:

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